Inside the World of Kenyan Corn Curls: Norda Industries’ Snack Revolution

This Kenyan snack powerhouse has been delighting taste buds with its range of products, particularly its famous corn curls. This article takes you behind the scenes of Norda Industries, revealing the meticulous process that transforms simple maize grits into the beloved Tomaten corn curls, a snack cherished by many Kenyans.

In the bustling snack market of Kenya, Norda Industries stands out as a beacon of innovation and quality. Since 2008, this Kenyan snack powerhouse has been delighting taste buds with its range of products, particularly its famous corn curls. This article takes you behind the scenes of Norda Industries, revealing the meticulous process that transforms simple maize grits into the beloved Tomaten corn curls, a snack cherished by many Kenyans.

The Genesis of a Snack Favorite

Norda Industries’ journey begins with locally grown maize, ground into semi-coarse maize grits. This raw material forms the base of the corn curls, setting the stage for a snack that’s both delicious and rooted in local agriculture.

The Art of Mixing and Extrusion

The production process kicks off with the precise mixing of maize grits with water and food coloring. Achieving the right moisture ratio is crucial, as it directly influences the eventual shape and texture of the corn curls. The mixed grits are then fed into an extruder, where they undergo a transformation under heat and pressure, expanding rapidly to form the familiar shape of the corn curls.

Baking to Perfection

Once extruded, the corn curls enter a gas-fired oven, baking at 160 degrees Celsius. This step is key to achieving the perfect balance of crunchiness and softness. Notably, the process uses less than 10% oil, making these corn curls a healthier alternative to traditionally fried snacks.

Flavoring with Precision

In the flavoring drum, the corn curls are evenly coated with various flavors, depending on the batch. This automated process ensures that only 8% of flavoring is used, adhering to international standards and maintaining the snack’s quality.

Packaging: Freshness and Accuracy

The packaging process at Norda Industries is a marvel of precision and technology. A computer-regulated conveyor belt and multi-head weighing machine ensure that each packet contains exactly 20 grams of corn curls, with an accuracy of plus or minus one gram. The packets are then flushed with nitrogen, produced in-house, to prolong shelf life and preserve freshness.

The Final Product: Tomaten Corn Curls

The end product, Tomaten corn curls, emerges as a testament to Norda Industries’ commitment to quality, health, and flavor. Packaged meticulously, these corn curls are ready to be shipped to local shops, bringing a taste of Kenyan craftsmanship to snack lovers.

Conclusion: A Snack for the Ages

Norda Industries’ corn curls are more than just a snack; they are a symbol of Kenyan ingenuity in the snack industry. From the fields of maize to the high-tech production lines, every step in the creation of these corn curls reflects a dedication to quality and a celebration of local flavors. As these snacks continue to be a part of Kenyans’ daily lives, they carry with them the story of a company that turned a simple idea into a snack revolution.

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